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Countdown. VODs/Stream. Reddit. Outside Reddit, the meme was used on Twitter[3] as a frequently seen reaction to tweets from various users. One such example was posted on June 18th, 2019, when Cyranek (an American musician) tweeted a video of him alongside a sarcastic news article.

Следите за новостями у нас на сайте и в нашей группе ВКонтакте! Источник: old.reddit.com.

Being unable to confront another person about something they've done that you cannot acc. The title of the Reddit thread was “My entire life is a lie,” because the poster had no idea that stamped concrete was a thing. The photo shows how structures like this can be created without using brick, which was surprising to thousands of people.

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This application allows you to search both Reddit comments and posts. You can aggregate data to see trends and also which subreddits are most popular given a specific search term.

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